Witch winter
The ErlebnisWelt Hexenwasser in winter
In summer, the witches have been inviting visitors to the Hexenwasser Söll for many years to marvel, comprehend and understand. Guests experience a blue wonder, hear the sound of stones or learn to "think barefoot" ... But what happens here in winter? Does the witches' water even turn into witches' ice? Is the witches' pot in the freezer? Are the witches asleep?
Not at all, in fact the ladies with the brooms have gone into hibernation: The white, cold element that covers their witch water in sub-zero temperatures is too exciting. And the idea of sweeping through the witches' winter not only with brooms but also on skis is too appealing.

Contact us
Berg- und Skilift Hochsöll GmbH & Co KG
Stampfanger Nr. 21
AT-6306 Söll
Email: bergbahnen.soell@skiwelt.at
Telefon: +43 5333 5260
Fax: +43 5333 5260 4010